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Environmental concern is no doubt is the call of the hour. Society is much more aware and concern about environment of late specifically at the urban area. The rural area is still lagging behind and to bridge the gap Ballygaunge society of Environment Development (BSED) is actively participating throughout the year in different parts of the state to spread the message of environmental concern and sustainability. Like every years, this years also World Environment Day was celebrated at the adopted village Gopinathpur, Gaza High School in the district of Hooghly as well as in Siliguri with proper respect and sanctity On 5th June and 2nd July respectively.
The programme was well organized with a sit and draw competition among the village children, followed by sapling plantation and distribution to spread the message of Go green.
The headmaster, managing committee, teachers of the school and most importantly the young student force of the rural base participated to the programme under the roof of BSED whole heartedly. The programme was inaugurated with National Anthem performed by all. It was followed by environment related knowledge sharing and a quiz contest. A sit and draw competition was also organized on various theme relating to environmental security, pollution and sustainability. The programme was concluded with new sapling plantation by the President BSED Mr. Jayanta Chakraborty and all other important member of BSED as well as the members of the managing committee of Gaza High school. The participation was very healthy and spontaneous and we hope this sort of initiatives will definitely bring about a very positive image of BSED as well as Indofil in the locality.