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In its quest to uplift the socioeconomic status of the stakeholders, Indofil Industries limited in collaboration with Ballygunge Society for Environment & Development (BSED), & T Stanses & Co Ltd continued its all-round development activities in Gaza High school in Chitrasali, Hooghly district. On 14th February 2015, Gaza school celebrated its annual day program with participation from BSED & Indofil.
Many initiatives were inaugurated on the said day:
The program was culminated with a cultural show essayed by the school students showcasing high quality brooding talents.
The enthusiasm & eagerness of the teachers and students very high Local veterans, teachers and eminent personalities of the area highly lauded the initiative from Indofil, T Stanes & Co & BSED and hoped that these activities might lure the local children back to school and arrest the drop outs.